How to Submit to CYE
The CYE journal offers researchers a high-quality, refereed outlet for sharing work pertaining to the physical environments that impact the lives of children and youth around the world.
Submission to CYE journal implies:
that the paper is not under simultaneous review elsewhere
authors must guarantee that their contribution is original, has not been published previously, and that any necessary permission to reproduce material from another source has been obtained.
Papers should be prepared using APA 7 style, including APA's guidance for generative AI. Authors should adhere to the specific submission guidelines provided below. We encourage authors to include photos and other illustrations.
Papers are submitted via the online review platform, Scholastica. Authors will be asked to create an account for this purpose.
*Note: Book + Media Reviews are by solicitation only.

Journal Metrics
CYE seeks to strengthen connections between research and practice. Field reports, in particular, which reflect on lessons learned in the field and the challenging realities of practice, are of great interest to our readership. We value this contribution and remain dedicated to publishing a variety of papers. For this reason, a traditional scientometric impact factor, which is based on a count of all items published in an issue, fails to reflect the impact and influence of CYE research specifically. We are continuously considering new and innovative ways to accurately measure the impact of our research articles. We currently use Google Scholar to measure the citation impact.
h-index 68
i10-index 259
What do these metrics mean?
h-index is a scholarly metric relating the number of publications and the number of citations (Elsevier).
i10-index is the number of articles published that have received at least 10 citations.
Open Access
CYE supports open-access publishing through a one-time fee of $250 per article (for the life of the article).
During publication acceptance, you will have the opportunity to select open-access for your manuscript. Authors also can retroactively request open access for an article already published in CYE by emailing
Why choose open access for your manuscript?
Makes your work easy to find and easy to use
Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere: including policymakers, practitioners and professionals
Comply with funder and University requirements